Armando's Portfolio

Technical Skills and Knowledge

Media On the Web

Here are two forms of media:


Beautiful Landscape

This image showcases a beautiful landscape. It is in JPEG format, a common image format for photographs. JPEGs use lossy compression, which reduces file size but may result in a slight loss of image quality. Ensuring images are appropriately compressed for optimal page loading speed is highly important.


The video file is in MP4 format, a popular format for web videos. MP4s offer good quality with relatively small file sizes. However, video files can significantly impact page loading times, so proper optimization is crucial.Video compression algorithms like H.264 are common for maintaining quality while reducing file size.

Optimizing media for web use is crucial for a fast-loading website. Consider the following:

The Interactive Web

PHP and JavaScript are powerful tools for creating interactive web pages. Let's delve deeper into each:

PHP - Server-Side Scripting

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a server-side scripting language widely used for web development. Key features include:

JavaScript - Client-Side Scripting

JavaScript is a versatile scripting language that runs in the browser. Key features include:

Example: A simple JavaScript script to toggle the visibility of a content section.

This example provides a glimpse into the capabilities of JavaScript for creating interactive and dynamic web pages.